Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pet Peeves at the Gym...

Well I know the title says it all... But seriously, are the people at the gym that into themselves that they just don't give a rats ass about anyone else??? Let me start with my trip to the gym yesterday...

I do my 10 min warm up on the treadmill and go to use the free motion squat machine (love this machine), but another person has a towel on it, so I wait a few minutes and realize she has a towel on each and every free motion machine, now mind you this is not a class, that is why I waited until 10 am to get to the gym, then the class that uses these machines are done and gone. So I ask the girl if I can work in my 3 sets of squats and I get the most horrible glare, no response, so I just take her towel off of the squat machine and begin my workout. She never said anything to me which speaks VOLUMES!!! Seriously how rude can you get, these machines are not yours....

Anyway I move onto the rest of my workout which was very good. I was sweating buckets!!!! Now when I did the dead lift, I think I may have used the WRONG bar, it may have been a heavier one, not that I had a really hard time doing my reps, but boy today can I feel it!!!! So next week on my rotation I'll have to be a tad more careful on the bar I use.

On to my next pet peeve. I'm on one of the rowing machines (not the one where you move back and forth, the stationary one) and a woman sits on the one next to me, different brand, and literally sits on it side saddle staring at me. Pretty obvious she wants to use the machine. So I of course have my iPod going and I close my eyes and finish my sets, wipe down the machine and leave and when I look back the woman is now on the machine. I'm not sure if she was trying to intimidate me into hurrying up or what??? But you all know I don't roll that way.

So for my cardio I only did 20 min, I'm going to work up to 30 min and more down the road. I started by doing 5 min on the elliptical and then 5 min on the treadmill and then 5 min on the upright bike (boy did the seat hurt!!) and then 5 more min on the elliptical. One thing I was bummed about was I didn't get to stretch!!!! I look forward to that part of the workout big time. But I looked at the time and new I had to get the kids and get them lunch. Even if I had started stretching I wouldn't have been able to finish, because as I was walking down the stairs I was paged for a poopie diaper, another one of my pet peeves, lol.

All in all it was a great workout!!! Sweated a ton!!! AC/DC and Aerosmith are two of my favorite bands to do cardio to, they just really keep you moving and pushing yourself to keep up with them, AWESOME!!!

Tomorrow I will do rotation 2 and am looking forward to it. Now when I did my squats yesterday I may have had my feet placed poorly during one of my sets because now my right hip hurts, but hopefully by not doing them today I'll be good to go with my lunges tomorrow.

So what are your gym pet peeves...???

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm Still Here, REALLY!!!

I know I haven't posted in a while... sorry about that.

Things have been hectic around here with everyone getting sick and then sick again. I have to be honest, I have done some sort of exercise everyday, but I have not made it to the gym as much these past few weeks as I'd like to have. One they won't let the kids in sick, bummer, wonder why?? Then I twisted my back, that really hurt. But I have been watching what I eat and portion sizes. Getting better on making sure I get protein and carb in at my meal times, because I can really tell energy wise when I don't!!

One thing I really have to work on is being a morning person. It's almost like a wrestling match with myself. I just am NOT a morning person, but I do strive to become one. It's amazing the things you get done when you get up at a decent hour. But it's SO easy to sleep in since Bradley doesn't have to be at the bust stop until 12:30!! Come September that will all change, I'll be forced to become a morning person when Bradley starts 1st Grade. UGH!!! But it will be good for me (keep telling myself that, lol), because then after I drop him at school, it will be off to the gym for Sam and I. I'll be up and out already, so no excuses!!!
I know you may be saying, you could go to the gym in the PM... But seriously, LifeTime Fitness turns into the biggest "very bad" singles scene ever. The cheese balls come out and it's just not worth dealing with it. I'd get more out of cleaning my bathroom for 2 hours!!!

Well friends, it's off to bed for me. Yes I am getting up in the AM and taking both kids to the gym :) Then Bradley to the bus and Sam and I are off to Royal Oak.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Been Sick...

Well the darn stomach flue hit our house, first Samantha, then Bradley, then Me, then Art and and then Bradley AGAIN!! Not fun when your son sleeps on the top bunk and gets sick, sorry for the visual, lol :)

But to bring you up to date, I've lost 6.6 pounds thus far. I don't see a difference or feel one YET... But while the kids where sick I walked on the treadmill in my basement, did lunges and squats and did free weights. Then of course when I was down the for the count, I wasn't up to doing all of that, so that was a good week off of exercise.

I found the nutrition program Kelley put me on works really really well if I always remember a carb and a protein at each meal. And now I can tell when I've forgotten one or the other, I get tired and grumpy (just ask Art!!). I still am drinking one can of coke a day, but there have been days where I've had none. I only have one if I really need it and find that I"m getting really short tempered with the kids, seriously it's my drug of choice.

We've been going out a lot lately. So I've been going on-line and looking at the menus before going. Even though I can have a cheat meal, I try to pick healthier. I will say I did better at Roma Cafe dinner out than Luciano's!! But all in all I am learning and that's the whole point. You can't ALWAYS be perfect and pick the right thing, and if you try, I think your just setting yourself up for failure.

Now on to Super Bowl Sunday. I was bad. Not so much with food, but with alcohol. Kel gave me two drinks a week, and let's just say I totally over indulged and was down for the count the whole next day!!! Not smart at all. Won't be doing that again any time soon!!! I want my stomach to get smaller not like a guys beer belly, mine of course would be a wine belly, which is no better just more expensive, lol.

So all in all I am doing pretty good. Feeling more awake in the mornings, other than the the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday!!! I'm happy with what I've lost thus far and am looking forward to more and to actually feel and see the difference. This is doable.

Monday, January 12, 2009

On my own at the gym...

Well now that the kids and myself are feeling better and Samantha isn't coughing up a lung, we were able to get to the gym. Last week we got kicked out because Sam started coughing, couldn't stop and they thought she was going to get sick, ugh!

Anyways, we got there just before 10 am and the kids were excited. Sam loves to be able to wander all over and use the computers without anyone telling her don't touch!! So I dropped them off and then headed upstairs to do my 5 min warm up on the treadmill (3.5 pace) and then on to my Day 1 workout. Now I didn't know TEAM FITNESS was at this time, so I had to wait for the squat machine, and then someone was on the chest press, so I ended up starting with my dead lifts. Did really well with watching my form and keeping my back straight, so I was happy with those. Tried to get on the squat machine, still a no go, so I headed to do Lateral Raises, did good on those, the last set was tough but felt good. Then I eyed TEAM FITNESS finishing up so I grabbed the squat machine and did my sets, honestly today these felt good but I know tomorrow and the next day I'll be hurting... Headed over to the chest press and finished those up. And then the rows, I love these, they feel food. The guy next to me was doing them also, but man he was doing them really really fast and making some ugly noises, yuck!!! But I finished up, woo hoo!!

Next I headed downstairs, peeked in on the kiddo's, they were doing fine without me, as usual, lol. Got my iPod and headed back upstairs to do my, what was suppose to be 30 to 45 min of cardio. Ok, here is the honesty part. I only did 20 min, 10 min on the Elliptical, and I was really pushing myself and then I headed to the bikes and did 10 min on Level 4, I was exhausted!!! I really pushed myself today and Wed I'll do more!

Now I got a coupon book from LifeTime for a free month of TEAM WEIGHT-LOSS, TEAM FITNESS, TEAM BOOT CAMP or there was one other that I can't remember... So I figure this is a $165 dollar value, why not. So Wednesday I'm going in at 9 AM to sign up, get my fitness analysis that Kelley already did, but they have to do it also. And I'm going to do this for 12 sessions. The ladies I saw doing TEAM FITNESS looked my age and a group I could fit in with and feel comfortable, so well see how it goes :) Plus they do a nutrition class. Now a friend told me after your 12 sessions are up they are going to HOUND me to do another. I may or may not, but for free, why the heck not!

For now I am SO GLAD that made it to the gym this morning and did my workout. I feel GREAT!!

Now on to the eating. I am doing SO MUCH BETTER there! I was in a rush this morning so I only had time for my water and a hard boiled egg. Then we were in a rush to get home and to the bus stop, so I got the kids happy meals and for myself I did a grilled chicken sandwich, took 1/2 the bun off and ate it plain and it was pretty good. No fries!!!! So far so good today I think. Drank a lot of water while I was working out also and have refilled at home for the day. Tonight we are having sirloin steaks, steamed veggies and Art will be having a potato, I'm going to try and NOT have one :) And I'm going to have a salad. Then for snacks today, I do know I'll have a Jello Pudding Cup with 2 squirts of Cool Whip for 60 Calories, but still not sure on my other snack. And yes I did have my one can of coke. Tomorrow I'm going to try and go without it and stick to water and unsweetened ice-tea. Again I'll let you know how that goes.

Well it's a start :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

1st Gym Day and all the numbers...

Kelley and I met at Life Time Fitness at 11 am today. I was pretty excited and ready and raring to go!! We started out in the locker room where Kel took my measurements which I will list at the bottom of this entry. Then she took photos which will also be at the bottom of the entry. The measurements didn't bother me as much as the PICTURES, UGH!! You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!!

Kelley has set up a 3 day workout plan for me. So we did a warm up of 5 min on the treadmill and then headed over to the weight machines. We went through Day 1 and she showed me how to do each exercise, which weight to use and how to decide during my sets whether or not I need to increase or decrease the weight. Reason, as not to hurt myself, if I get to set 3 or 4 and it's to much, or if it's to easy after the 1st set, I can up the weight to challenge my muscles. Hey Kel, if I get any of this wrong, feel free to comment :) After doing Day 1, we moved onto Day 2 and 3, and she showed me everything, I did one or two sets of each so I knew what I was doing. I by the way love working out with weights, whether they are the machines or free weights. It's amazing when you do an exercise correctly, and you don't do them fast, how much you can feel the burn in the right places!!

I did some AB work and then the best part, STRETCHING!!! Boy does it feel good after a workout!! I am also eventually going to incorporate swimming laps into my workouts, but not until March when I can get the stuff I need for my birthday :) I love the water and Kel said it's a great form of cardio, so....

So all in all today was a good day. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. But can't wait to see the change in my body the first month!!

So here it is, my numbers and figures. Not sure now if I"m going to post my weight. I guess I shouldn't focus on the number on the scale, instead how I feel and look. But I do promise this. I will keep track and when I'm 1/2 way to my goal weight, I will post my starting and current weight. I guess I'm just not ready to be ALL out there ;) But I'm sure if you look at my measurements, you'll be able to get an idea where I'm at!

Upper Arm: 15 1/2"

Bust: 49 1/4" (wooo baby)

Chest (bra band): 42"

Waist: 46 3/4"

Hips: 51 3/4" (this almost made me cry)

Thighs: 30 1/2"

Calf: 17 1/2"

Ok so as you can see I am NO barbie doll!!!! Or even close to it, nor do I want to be, but it's the start of my journey.


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Today Kelley emailed me back my food log that I sent her from last week. Now mind you I wasn't following any plan, just eating the way I normally do, and the comments surprisingly weren't all bad, but then again majority of them were not good. She also emailed me Basic Guidelines which will help me on portion sizes etc... And then a grid for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner that I can pick things from certain columns, which until I get a hang for this new way of eating and new lifestyle I'm embarking on, will help out a great deal! Also there was a section for snack which I get two a day :)

Right now I am asking a ton of questions and getting ready to dive into my new lifestyle.

Get prepared, we are meeting in the next week to do measurements, weight, starting picture and planning my workout, so all of this will be posted soon!

I'm really putting myself out there by making this public, not only to you my friends, but whomever out there is looking for blogs on weight loss. YIKES!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting Started....

Getting started is one of the hardest things to do. And I seem to have started more times than I can remember, but hey, I never stop starting, which is a good thing, right? This will be the last time I start on this journey and actually finish it.

With the help of my good friend Kelley, I am in this for the long hall. I also want to thank Kelley for for never giving up on me!! I can see where someone eventually would give up on a person and get tired of the "I want to be fit", all the while stuffing their face with chips and dip!! I can see where that would get aggravating...

Along this journey I am going to be sharing my starting weight, starting measurements, beginning picture and food log. I will do the food log as much as I can, entering it on the blog, but I will be writing down what I eat every day no matter what. Every week I will weigh in on Sunday and post it to the blog (unless I'm on vacation of course). Now mind you this will be "very" revealing in many ways since I'll also be sharing my thoughts, feelings and everything else that comes to mind. So feel free to skip the parts that don't interest you! Seriously do you want to hear every tedious detail of my life, I don't think so :)

Obviously I am going to have to learn to eat all over again, the right way! There is so much I don't know and I hope I become very competent in all aspects of what to eat, when to eat it and of course what not to eat! I want my husband, kids, family and friends to be proud of me. I don't want to be the girl with the pretty face anymore!!! I want to be the wife, mom, daughter & friend that people look at and say, wow, if she can do it so can I!

I look forward to any and all comments, suggestions and always as much support along my journey!! And don't forget, you can also kick me in the butt when I'm slacking!!!!